The Wiggers Museum of Natural History

First of all, I want to note that the header photo is not an actual picture of the presitigious if woefully underfunded Wiggers Museum of Natural History (WMNH). Instead, it shows a portion of the beautiful United Methodist Church in Batavia, Illinois. I hope the kind folks of the congregation there won’t mind my using it as the virtual entranceway for my exciting new institution.

So what exactly is the Wiggers Museum? And how can you visit it?

It turns out that its public component exists entirely in cyberspace, and is centered around an ever-growing collection of geologically and botanically themed photos posted on my Flickr account. I set up that account to provide a free learning site for whomever is interested. Each image posted there is accompanied by a one- to several-paragraph description that explains in untortured prose scientific aspects the pictures contain.

The best way to enter the WMNH is through its Albums page:
